I’ve recently been using PhoneGap to compile a
Backbone.js app into a native iPhone app. The build
process kept working fine for all platforms except iPhone which failed every
time with this unhelpful error message: Oh geez. Your build failed. Sorry,
but a problem occurred on the build server.
After finding no help on Google, I tried compiling only specific parts of the
application and discovered that if I excluded the locales
directory used by
the i18next plugin, the build process went off without
a hitch. It turns out that PhoneGap specifically looks for a locales directory
and if it contains files in an unsupported format, it fails to build.
The simplest solution to this is to use a different directory name. If you’re using the i18next plugin, you can specify the path when you initialize the plugin:
resGetPath: 'locale/__lng__/__ns__.json'